Get Involved

Whether you are just starting your climbing career, or are extremely experienced, and whether you climb trad, sport, or want to go mountaineering, or even chalk climbing, you will find like-minded people and a supportive atmosphere in NLMC.



We have a friendly chat forum where we organise trips, chat about climbing and discuss club matters. New members are welcome so please drop in and get to know us.

At The Wall

The club meets every Wednesday at Mile End Wall  and every Monday at the Castle Climbing Centre to climb and socialise – staff at reception know many NLMC members and will be happy to point us out. Contact our New Members’ Secretary to arrange to meet us at the wall, or create a free chat account here to find out when we will be at the wall.

After climbing sessions on Wednesdays the club retires to the Palm Tree, a pub about two minutes away from the climbing wall in Mile End Park. Once again, the NLMC is well known there, and the staff will point you in our direction.

After climbing sessions on Mondays, club members can be found at The Brownswood. Again just a few minutes walk from the Castle Climbing Centre.

Come Climbing

You are welcome to try the club out at any of our formal social events – check our meets list to see what’s coming up. Additionally, groups of members go away almost every weekend to climb all over the country. These trips are arranged informally at the club’s sessions on Monday or Wednesday and are an excellent way of finding out more about the club.

Join The Club

We welcome new members, at all levels and ability, in all fields related to climbing and mountaineering. Membership is open to anyone who lives or works within the M25 and to those outside the M25 subject to the committee’s approval.

To join you will need two members to support your application – there will be plenty of people at Mile End and the Castle willing to support you once they have met you. To find out when we will be at the wall to sign your application form create a free account at on our chat forum and simply ask us!

The current membership rates are as below:

Membership Type Rate
Individual £53.50
Family membership £95.50
Concession (student/unemployed/hardship/Over-65) £35
Join The Club